
Mechanism Keys Mechanism Ark Mechanism Stones Mechanism Isonomi Mechanism Solomon Mechanism Lamb

Order of Mechanics, Friendly Society
he Independent United Order of Mechanics, Friendly Society is among the most ancient of the great fraternal Orders. It is to be found throughout the civilized world. It numbers among its members persons who occupy some of the highest positions in all branches of government. It makes its appeal not only to the opulent and powerful, but to all those who are physically and morally sound, to the end that it may carry out those humane principles of Charity and Benevolence, not only among its initiates, who are banded together by those solemn and indissoluble ties which are the characteristics of the Order, but that through them it may be instrumental in spreading to society at large the true meaning of Fidelity, Benevolence and Truth.

Alpha Disctrict Grand Lodge No. 1 Canada

    No agency for good that has yet been evolved by human mind has been so potent a factor in alleviating the sufferings of mankind, and in bringing us into closer relationship and a more perfect understanding of our oneness of interest. This is true whether the Society be one of great antiquity and surrounded with ancient rites, ceremonies and secrecy, or one of the numerous benevolent and friendly societies that are to be found in any clime where the veil of night and darkness has been penetrated by the refulgent rays of civilization.

Order of Mechanics, Toronto, Canada

    For, underlying all forms, ceremonies and usages, disregarding the countries where found and the peoples by whom they are practiced, is the desire to promote Honor, Justice, Chastity, Philanthropy, Patriotism and Industry, and, in so far as it can be effected by the power of organization, to promote those pure and lofty principles which are in the interest of humanity; and to develop the intellectual, moral and spiritual character, not alone of its votaries, but of mankind in general.

Holland Order of Mechanics

Past Master

Cuba Juvenile Mechanic Order
Ark of Covenant
Mystic Bud Lodge IUOM

Groot Bestuur Van Suriname District Groot Loge II

Belize IUOM

Mechanic Order Chapter

Belize Mechanic Order

IOM Acacia

Mechanic IOM

Guantanamo Oriente

Belize Grand Lodge

Lyre Mechanic

Order of Mechanics Juvenile Lodge
Mechanics Lodge Room

Preston Unity - Independent Order of Mechanincs
Preston Unity Order of Mechanics

Mechanic Moon

Guyana Order of Mechanics

Past Master's Emblem

Harlem, New York - IUOM

Barbados Mechanism

IUOM Panama Disctrict Grand Lodge No. 1

Belize Grand Lodge Order of Mechanics
Skull and Bones

IUOM Brooklyn Disctrict Grand Lodge No. 1

Benevolence Lodge No. 1

Barbados District Grand Lodge

IUOM Grand Lodge

Mechanics' Temple - New York, New York

IUOM Emblem
Founded in 1757 in Lancashire, England

Jamaica Suriname French Guiana Canada England Trinidad and Tobago Belize Cuba
Guatamala Greneda St. Vincent Dominica Barbados Guyana Aruba Costa Rica
Panama Martinique USA Netherlands Grand Cayman Islands South Africa St. Lucia Scotland

Jerk House Eatery, Maryland
25 University Boulevard West, Silver Spring, Maryland 20901