Order of Mechanics Volume of Sacred Law
Order of Mechanics
Mechanism Keys Mechanism Ark Mechanism Stones
Mechanism Isonomi Mechanism Solomon Mechanism Lamb

What is Mechanism?
    From time immemorial and through all ages and lands, there has existed a fundamental belief that an inner or divine degree of knowledge may be acquired or revealed to human beings under certain conditions. This knowledge is invariably related to the nature and destiny of the soul of an individual and its relationship to a Deity. This is a fundamental principle from which all modern religions sprung, but Mechanism, not being a religion, concerns itself with the nature of the Belief and not its form.

    The secrets of the inner being of an individual and the Divine knowledge that leads to the discovery of our relationship with the Deity are imbued in the "center" or the core of our soul, which is the spirit. The discovery and application of this knowledge develops a higher spiritual level of awareness and consciousness. Mechanism teaches the attainment of this knowledge and the implementation of its principles and precepts in our daily lives.

    It is recognized however, that these inner values being of a spiritual nature are incommunicable. They transcend communication by word of mouth or hand, but are capable of manifestation through our way of life, and therefore can be felt and assimilated through the right light radiations, but in the main, can only be attained through personal endeavor.  Read More
What are Lodges and Chapters?
    Mechanic Lodges (Men) and Chapters (Women) are the basic organizations in Mechanism. They are collectively governed by Grand Lodges for the area in which they reside. A Lodge or Chapter Room is the room where meetings are held and is housed within a Mechanic Temple - symbolically echoing King Solomon's Temple.
    The 'Lodge' or 'Chapter' is where Mechanics practice Mechanism, learning moral and ethical values through allegory and symbolic plays, called ritual - defined as a set of actions performed mainly for their symbolic value.  Read More

Order of Mechanics

Our History
    The Independent United Order of Mechanics was founded in 1757 in Lancashire, England. During its first hundred years as a strong and growing enterprise, the Order established several Grand Lodges in Northern England and Southern Scotland. In 1878, the Order registered as a Friendly Society in accord with the Friendly Societies Act enacted by the Parliament of the United Kingdom.
    In the late 19th century, the Order spread to South Africa, the Netherlands, British Guiana, and various nations and territories in the Caribbean Sea of North America. The first branch in the United States of America formed in 1910.
    Today, District Grand Lodges operate throughout the world, including England, Canada, Saint Lucia, Belize, Jamaica, Guyana, Cuba, Costa Rica, Aruba, Trinidad & Tobago, Netherlands, Turks and Caicos Islands, Panama, Scotland, Barbados, Grenada, Suriname, Dutch West Indies, Cayman Islands, Honduras, Guatemala, French Guiana and the United States of America.  Read More
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IUOM Emblem

Founded in 1757 in Lancashire, England

Jamaica Suriname French Guiana Canada England Trinidad and Tobago Belize Cuba
Guatamala Greneda St. Vincent Dominica Barbados Guyana Aruba Costa Rica
Panama Martinique USA Netherlands Grand Cayman Islands South Africa St. Lucia Scotland

Order of Mechanics

District Websites

Alpha District Grand Lodge No. 1 Canada
Brooklyn District Grand Lodge No. 1
District Grand Lodge No. 1 of Barbados, Dominica and St Vincent
Groot Bestuur Van Suriname District Groot Loge II
Jamaica Eastern District Grand Lodge No. 4
New England District Grand Lodge No. 1

Ionic Capital

Mid-Atlantic Mechanics' Social Club
Montgomery County, Maryland, U.S.A.   

Friendship, Brotherly Love and Truth

1st Thursday @ 7:30 PM (Jan, Mar, May, Sept, Nov)
Silver Spring Civic Center
One Veterans Place
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
2nd Sunday @ 2:00 PM (Feb, Apr, June, Oct, Dec)
Wheaton Library and Recreation Center
11701 Georgia Ave
Silver Spring, Maryland 20902
IBEW No. 24 - Maryland